
Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Training

Ear Care Clinic is proud to offer gold standard microsuction ear wax removal training in London. In association with Ear Care Academy, our courses provide complete ear wax removal training to audiologists wishing to develop their skills and become qualified in the practice of microsuction.

Our microsuction ear wax removal training is delivered in a world class teaching hospital setting, in the ENT/Audiology Department at Charing Cross Hospital in London. Our course providers are all highly qualified senior doctors of medicine and audiology, with years of experience in ear wax removal training and microsuction.

Read on to discover more about our microsuction ear wax removal training course or, alternatively, visit the Ear Care Academy website where you can find more information or book a course.

Gold Standard Ear Wax Removal Training

Training course - Ear Care Clinic

Ear Care Clinic provides gold standard ear wax microsuction training that enables you to perform microsuction ear wax removal in your own clinic immediately following completion of the course. The many benefits of our course include:

  • Small course groups of between 10 to 12 delegates
  • A short two-day course set in the ENT/Audiology department of Charing Cross Hospital, a world class teaching hospital in London
  • 80 real patients in attendance for genuine, actionable hands-on experience
  • Full practical ear wax removal training on the usage of ENT microscopes and microsuction equipment
  • Some of the most experienced practitioners in the country delivering the very best training for ear wax removal
  • Full certification accrediting you as trained and qualified to perform microsuction procedures
  • Insight and support into the ear microsuction clinic set-up​ to help get you started as a microsuction professional

Who Is Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Training For?

Training course - Ear Care Clinic

We have a growing network of ear wax microsuction professionals who have completed our ear wax removal training course and are now fully qualified practitioners.

Experience in the medical field is required to join our two day microsuction ear wax removal training course. It is suitable for the following qualified healthcare professionals:

  • Audiologists
  • Registered hearing aid dispensers
  • GPs and other qualified doctors
  • Physician associates or assistants
  • Hospital nurses
  • Practice nurses
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Pharmacists
  • Paramedics (particularly those working within primary care)

What Does The Microsuction Training Course Cover?

Microsuction is growing in popularity because of the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of the procedure. This is why now is an ideal time to join professionals just like you who have completed our ear wax removal training course and are now offering microsuction in their own clinics.

Over the course of two days, our microsuction ear wax removal training modules will cover all of the basics before delving into the details of the procedure. Delegates will also be asked to get involved with microsuction on real-life patients. Below is a breakdown of what to expect from your two day ear wax microsuction training course.

  • Ear anatomy and physiology
  • Consultation skills, history taking, and differential assessment
  • Common ear problems, including foreign bodies, earaches, infections, and cerumen impaction
  • Obtaining informed consent
  • Reasons for carrying out microsuction
  • Contraindications to ear microsuction
  • Complications that may arise from ear microsuction
  • Potential problems and how to address them
  • Equipment and consumables
  • Practical microsuction ear wax removal training using an ENT microscope
  • Infection control, safe disposal, and cleaning of equipment
  • Appropriate documentation, record keeping, and confidentiality
  • Patient advice
  • Risk assessment & health and safety
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Microsuction Training Aims And Outcomes

This is a robust and detailed course that will fully equip delegates with everything they need to safely carry out microsuction ear wax removal. Once you've completed the microsuction training course, you'll be qualified and able to demonstrate the following skills:


You will be able to appropriately communicate with patients, parents, or significant others, to effectively pass on details about the microsuction procedure and any after care. This also includes those with hearing loss.

Infection control

Your microsuction ear wax removal training will enable you to correctly manage infection controls, and any health and safety issues in relation to microsuction.

Anatomy Of The Ear

A core element of the course that will build on any prior knowledge, you will develop a very clear understanding of relevant anatomy and the physiology of the ear.

Medico-Legal Issues

An understanding of medico-legal issues and how these may pertain to ear wax microsuction.

Equipment Usage

A key outcome of your ear wax removal training, you will know the correct use of equipment, including all relevant hardware, such as ENT microscopes, suction devices, and other relevant instruments.

Clinical Competency

Following your two-day microsuction ear wax removal training course, you will achieve clinical competency in microsuction procedures.


You will become adept at collecting patient medical history, and how to correctly and thoroughly examine the ear and document findings, prior to the procedure.

Clinic Set-Up

The course aims to impart knowledge and experience in terms of clinic set-up, and for starting new NHS or private microsuction services. Following completion of the course, all ear care professionals will have the insight and ability to manage and maintain their own clinic or practice.

Sign up to our microsuction ear wax removal training course today or find out more about how to join the Ear Care Clinic network.

Ear Wax Removal Training Near Me

If you’re looking for microsuction ear wax removal training central to London, the Ear Care Clinic training course takes place at Charing Cross Hospital, London’s leading teaching hospital based in Hammersmith.

With easy transport links to many London boroughs, such as Shepherd’s Bush, Chiswick, Fulham, Ealing, and Orpington, the hospital is also a short journey from London’s main train stations for anyone travelling by public transport.

Our two-day course allows you to perform microsuction procedures immediately after qualifying and offers a thorough range of benefits to help you deliver gold standard microsuction treatments.

Enquire now about microsuction ear wax removal training near you to get started and become an ear care professional with Ear Care Clinic.